Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mama's Singing

Growing up and singing around an old upright piano for which my grandmother'd traded a steer in the 1920's, brought pleasure, fun and consolation in the bleak northeastern corner of New Mexico where I was raised. My mother self taught herself to play that piano and could play by note and by ear. That talent was passed on to us, particularly to my sisters who could've both been classical pianists, but were music teachers instead.

Mom memorized all the words of our fellowship's hymnal and it is a fond memory when I recall her singing the words while she moved about our home. Her humming and singing left those tunes and songs embedded in my consciousness. While Mom was not always a contented person, I believe she found strength in her singing. I believe those songs in part invited the spiritual serenity she sought.

In recent years, trying to find peace in my life, I've attempted to be cognizant of the first thoughts in my mind upon awakening. It seems those thoughts and feelings might be the first outside influence in my life for that day, and I've attempted train myself to listen at that point. When I'm successful, often flowing melodically through my mind are those songs of my mother and sometimes, just sometimes, I imagine the beauty of Mom's voice coming through sixty years of life, seeking and inviting that peace for me as she hums them now in my memory.

"Oh, love, that will not let me go".

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