Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why "Bouncing On the Bottom"?

From the heights we've scaled, there's always a down, perhaps there's more left to scale, but, perhaps there remains the panoramic plateau. Without further contemplating falls, much can be said for bottoms. Similar and applicable words might be foundations, starting points, ending points, floor (my floor might be your ceiling), valleys, chasm's, the abyss, and so on. Frankly, "Bouncing Off The Bottom" was not available as a Blog Name on this forum. (I should go look up that blog sometime.) I wanted to convey there was enough resistance left to bounce. "Bouncing on the Bottom" conveys a series of ever shortening dribbles, but that is what I used. So "Bouncing on the Bottom" it is. There remains trajectory.

Travis (my son) and I noticed a "Danger - Falling Rock" sign east of Seattle on I-80. We were in a silly mood, maybe finally breaking the tension of our journey where we tentatively got reacquainted after a gap in our relationship. These seem to occur and perhap Dads should learn to expect such breaks in communication. Nevertheless, for some obscure reason we cracked up when I suggested a more appropriate sign might be "Danger - Valley Fill in Progress", or a bottom being raised.

So how we view a bottom relects our health. It can be a parking space, a cavern, a black hole or a bathtub drain. But to a bird, it might be a nest. So bottoms are relative.

"Bouncing on the Bottom" was selected last year while I was muddling through some more of my own murk. And not to belabor that side any longer on this blog, perhaps the analogy of "the next rung" should be used. But then again, I'd have to get entangled in explaining that "rung" was not the past tense of "ring" but the next step on a ladder.

Pretty heavy monologue there, huh?

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